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About D&P

Purchasing a house is an act that dances between two seemingly separate realms: that of the basic need and that of the wildest dream. Hence the importance for the real estate agent to fully grasp the nobility of the mission entrusted upon them – a mission that is as much about integrity as it is about razor-sharp expertise.

At David & Partners, there is a cornerstone to our building and it is called ‘Trust’. We don’t just believe real estate should be handled by one who knows, we stand on the word. And your renewed trust is our own definition of ‘building a house on the rock’.

“I grew up in a land with a rich history of exchange between the Middle-Eastern, Russian and European cultures: Armenia. Erevan was, I guess, the cradle of my inexplicable passion for the complexity that determines the unshakable, yet ever-changing identity of a given city. Little did I know, back then, that this thirst would become the quest of a lifetime…” Sergey Kaghzvantsyan, Director.

After he moved to France with his wife in the 1990’s, Sergey decided to launch his first consulting firm in Lille in 1999, helping buyers and investors from around the world find their way into Europe’s most prized locations. Moving to the French Riviera in 2005, Sergey soon opened his first real estate agency in addition to publishing a prestige publication dedicated to the world’s finest properties.

“Whenever I venture into a new location for David & Partners, I don’t just look at properties for sale, for this is just a piece of the puzzle. What I crave to understand is the more complex picture that investors truly care about: what does the economic and legal framework entails, what are the dynamics of the local market, who are the best legal and financial partners, who are the best architects and entrepreneurs to do business with? This is what keeps me up at night, and busy dedicating each day to building more trusted partnerships with every key stakeholder, so that my customers can benefit from a network that no one else is able to offer them.”

This is the expertise David & Partners brings to the table, providing investors with all the reliable options they typically don’t have time to figure out on their own. Choosing David & Partners also means that they are presented with the full picture of all properties available in their desired location, and not just the ones under contract with David & Partners. This makes the world of a difference to both domestic and foreign buyers, as certain markets tend to be overwhelmed by agencies and their myriad legacy platforms disconnected from each other.

With their unique, growing network of trusted partners and a team speaking French, English, Russian, Polish and Armenian, David & Partners now offers an exceptional selection of properties in France, Monaco, Spain, Switzerland, England, Italy, Portugal and the United Arab Emirates (Dubai).

The need and the dream: when both realms finally meet, satisfaction often turns into joy – which could explain why 100% of our customers end up recommending David & Partners to their friends, family, partners and very own trusted customers.

We look forward to serving your dream,

Your David & Partners Team

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